Panther TV Best in New England. Again.
May 24, 2018
It may have been a year of change for Panther TV, with a move to a new state-of-the-art studio and the presentation of their first live episode in school history last week, but one thing didn’t change: their status as New England’s top high school broadcast journalism newscast.
Panther TV was crowned with the 2018 “All New England” award for best high school news program earlier this month by the New England Scholastic Press Association (NESPA), a prestigious organization at Boston University.
NESPA gives awards to the top newspapers, magazines, yearbooks, and broadcast programs in the New England area each year at an annual spring conference that is judged by college communication professors.
It’s a repeat for Panther TV: last year they won this honor in a first-place tie with Plymouth North. This year, South’s Panther TV was the sole winner.
Panther TV has now been named as the best newscast in New England in six years of its 9 year program history: 2018, 2017, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010.
Individual awards were given to many PSHS Panther TV students, and they include:
Special Achievement Award News – “Harvey Hits Home” – Kari Moreno
Special Achievement Award Sports – “Like a Girl” – Kari Moreno and Stephanie Morrow
Special Achievement Award Feature – “Behind the Scenes” – Miles LeGrow